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Christmas Gift Guide - Men's Edition

Let's face it, some men can be so hard to shop for. You ask them if there is anything they want and they tell you they would be happy with whatever you get them, which is sweet, but all the more challenging. Well, we have come up with a few things your man is sure to love.
1. Sling TV Sports Extra
A sling TV homescreen
Do any of you have loved ones out there that love watching football and basketball, but don't have access to those games because you guys don't want cable? Well Sling TV is super affordable and you get most of the sports channels so that you can have access to all of the games. For those sports enthusiasts, you can get a sports add-on that will give you even more access to all of the games that your loved one would want to watch. This would be a fun Christmas gift and honestly one that would be great for the whole family. You can check out Sling TV here
2. Bose SoundSport Free Wireless Earbuds
bose wireless earbuds product photo
Wireless earbuds are awesome and would make a great gift for the man in your life. They are water proof and sweat proof. They give you the best sound and allow you to listen to your favorite beats for hours before having to recharge. They are designed so that your ear never aches. We think your man would love this gift! 
3. A New Cologne
Dior Sauvage cologne product photo
You can't go wrong getting your loved one some great cologne. They can use it everyday and it a great confidence booster. GearHungry created a list of their Top 14 colognes for 2018 and you can find that list here. We might also recommend giving them this cologne quiz from Sephora to see what type of cologne is their favorite. Do they like a more woodsy smell, or maybe something spicy. You can find their quiz here
4. Tickets to see their favorite college or NBA basketball team.
A shot of a basketball going through a basketball hoop
This is another great gift for any of those sports fans out there. This would be such a fun date night and you know it would make their day opening a Christmas present and finding tickets to see their favorite team play. If you want to go even further, we would recommend buying them season tickets to see their favorite team. It is a gift that keeps on giving,  all season long! Click here to get your hands on some tickets. One extra bonus is the sooner you buy them, the better deal you are going to get.  
5. Amazon Kindle Unlimited Subscription
Amazon kindle homepage
Maybe your man is more of a homebody. Does he love to read? Well, Amazon Kindle Unlimited is a great way for him to get all the books he wants for a pretty affordable price. You are giving the gift of unlimited reading. How awesome would that be? You can find more information here. If you are worried about whether they will like it or not there, is a free 30 day trial so he can test it out first. He can read it on any device that he wants. It is definitely a gift worth giving. 


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